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PIPP builds on APSIC's work
PIPP’s cohort study builds on the work done by the Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre at the Melbourne Business School. APSIC was a...

What's a not for profit organisation?
The phrase “not for profit” is used a lot in the philanthropy sector. A not for profit can be any kind of organisation that is not...

What's a philanthropic associate?
Some not for profits decide to have their giving managed by a philanthropic associate. These organisations handle all the legal work and...

What's the difference between a philanthropic organisation and a foundation?
What’s the difference between a philanthropic foundation and a philanthropic organisation? A foundation is a non-profit that’s...

What does PIPP’s work mean for the wider world?
On the surface it seems that PIPP’s work only really benefits a select few people. Improving philanthropic impact will only help the...

What is a philanthropic organisation?
What defines a philanthropic organisation? Philanthropy is giving on a grand scale over an extended period, and a philanthropic...

PIPP encourages innovation and agile strategies.
PIPP’s work is creating an environment where grantmakers are empowered and encouraged to create a more impact with their giving through...

PIPP's aims
PIPP wants to enhance the Australian philanthropic sector by enhancing trust networks and collaboration between Foundations modelling...

PIPP believes in impact philanthropy
PIPP is based in impact philanthropy, where we focus on the types of impact grantmakers are making with their money. This sort of...

PIPPs values
PIPP has a shared value base that informs our purpose and our direction. Our values are: We believe that none of us are in this space...
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